Meet Namirial at Money 20/20  

Money 20/20 Europe is the European edition of the global fintech event series focusing on payments and financial services innovation for connected commerce at the intersection of mobile, retail, marketing services, data, and technology. The global event series originated in the United States in 2012 and runs a popular edition in Asia too. 

The European edition became a major catalyst driving innovation in the European financial industry in recent years. Mastering the complex regulatory challenges in digital onboarding, in particular in the field of remote identity proofing and fulfilling compliance requirements imposed by EU Anti-Money Laundering Directives (AMLD4, AMLD5, AMLD6) and their different interpretation when transposed into national laws became one of the major topics in recent years of Money 20/20. 

In 2024 the interplay between remote identity proofing and qualified digital trust services gets exceptional attention as we are moving towards a European Digital Identity Framework as part of the revision of the EU Regulation 910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services (known as eIDAS 2) which may enter into force during 2026 including the European Digital Identity Wallets (#EUDIW).     

On March 26 of this year, the EU Council approved the latest version of eIDAS 2.0, which brings the EUDI Wallet closer. 

By 2026, each member state must provide its citizens with a digital wallet and accept European digital identity wallets (EDIWs) from other member states under the revised regulation. 

The revised regulation represents a clear paradigm shift for digital identity in Europe. The aim is to ensure that people and businesses across Europe have universal access to secure and trusted electronic identification and authentication. 

According to the new draft law, member states will offer their citizens and businesses digital wallets that can link national digital identities with proof of other personal characteristics (e.g. driver’s license, qualifications, bank account). Citizens can thus prove their identity and easily share electronic documents from their digital wallets via their smartphone. 

The new EDIWs will allow all citizens to access online services with their national digital identification, which must be recognized across the EU, without using private identification methods or having to share personal data unnecessarily. 

Klaus Fellner, Managing Director Namirial Austria, Jörg Lenz, Head of Marketing and Communications and Andreas van der Linden, Sales Account Manager, will be present at the event. At our booth the three will inform about all the possibilities that our solutions at Namirial hold and how easily they can be integrated into your daily processes.  

Get some inspiration: 

📺 Our presentation at the bitkom eIDAS Summit 2024 (in German) 

Event website