Meet Namirial at the ID X Summit powered by WebID 2024

The first ID X Summit powered by WebID in September 2022 already covered a wide range of political, legal, technical and operational aspects of remote identification and digital identity in Germany, the EU and worldwide. Once again this year, the event revolves around the future of online identity. Current trends such as identity and access management, identity governance, identity for Web3 and metaverse will be examined. 

Jörg Lenz, Head of Marketing and Communications at Namirial, will once again do a very well-founded reality check in the panel “Digital Identities 2030 in Germany” together with Frederik Schrank, VP Regulatory Manager at DKB, Steffen Schwalm, Principal Consultant and Senior Manager Digital Identity & Trust at msg, and Clemens Schleupner, speaker digital identities at bitkom, at 11:05 a.m. The content will revolve around what is feasible today and what we can expect in the coming months and years and under what assumptions. 

On March 26 of this year, the EU Council approved the latest version of eIDAS 2.0, which brings the EUDIW Wallet closer. 

By 2026, each member state must provide its citizens with a digital wallet and accept European digital identity wallets (EUDIWs) from other member states under the revised regulation. 

The revised regulation represents a clear paradigm shift for digital identity in Europe. The aim is to ensure that people and businesses across Europe have universal access to secure and trusted electronic identification and authentication. 

According to the new draft law, member states will offer their citizens and businesses digital wallets that can link national digital identities with proof of other personal characteristics (e.g. driver’s license, qualifications, bank account). Citizens can thus prove their identity and easily share electronic documents from their digital wallets via their smartphone. 

The new EUDIWs will allow all citizens to access online services with their national digital identification, which must be recognised across the EU, without using private identification methods or having to share personal data unnecessarily. 

Official hashtag: #IDXSummit24

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