Cloud providers on cloud nine – with clever on-premise signature solutions  

With additional features for electronic signing, cloud providers clearly stand out from the crowd 

(HERRENBERG) 27.03.2024: Cloud computing has long been an integral part of business life – and its use is increasing every year. The independent market research institute Garnter predicted in 2022 that global public cloud spending by end users will reach almost 600 billion US dollars in 2023.   

Cloud technology is driving digital business forward as companies increasingly rely on technologies such as generative AI, Web3 and the metaverse. Cloud providers need to deliver ever more sophisticated functionality to compete successfully for digital services against the big players in the market and satisfy both business and private customers. As a result, cloud providers not only provide decisive added value for their customers, but also clearly set themselves apart from the competition.   

One solution for all cases  

A smart add-on in cloud computing offers the option of not only storing documents securely in your own cloud, but also enabling a digital signature – in such a way that it covers all use cases in a legally compliant manner. Specifically, this means:  

  •  The simple e-signature for open-ended employment contracts without formal requirements, for example  
  •  The advanced e-signature for rental or supplier contracts  
  •  The qualified e-signature (QES) for fixed-term employment contracts, bank account openings or electronic patient files  

And best of all: the document does not leave the in-house server, but simply remains in the selected cloud. This is possible thanks to secure on-premise signature solutions. An integrated signature solution can therefore ultimately better meet security standards and compliance requirements, as it provides a secure environment for signing documents and makes the entire process traceable. 

It pays to think outside the box  

Thanks to EU Regulation 910/2014 eIDAS, cloud operators can choose their providers to integrate electronic signatures throughout the EU if they want to use certificates to generate qualified signatures. For the provision of certificates, there are major differences in terms of costs, legal compliance and technical implementation depending on the provider’s country of origin.    

A provider from another European country may be able to offer specialized functions or a specific technology that domestic providers may not be able to provide. This allows cloud providers to ultimately offer their customers a more comprehensive solution.  

Overall, working with a European e-signature provider offers potential for improved data protection compliance, access to specialized features and technologies, and the promotion of diversity and competition in the market. 

What your chosen trust service provider should offer  

 The following points should be considered when choosing a suitable provider:  

  • White labeling: is the white label branding option offered entirely in line with a corporate identity?  
  • Security: Does the solution meet the applicable EU security standards and compliance requirements?  
  • GDPR compliance: Is the solution compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation?   
  • Compatibility: Can the signature solution be seamlessly integrated into the existing cloud platform to ensure a smooth user experience?  
  • Integration: How quickly can the solution be deployed? 
  • e-Signature-as-a-Service: Do identification and long-term and short-term certificates come from a single source? 

Your Secure Cloud GmbH leads the way as a pioneer  

The latest Namirial partner company, Your Secure Cloud GmbH, recognized these points for its strategic orientation at an early stage and is already benefiting from the signature solutions. “We are delighted to be working with Namirial,” says Marcus Müller, CEO of Your Secure Cloud GmbH.   

“Namirial’s digital signature solutions allow our customers to save up to 80% of administrative work and conclude contracts easily – sometimes in just a few seconds. The product integrates seamlessly into our environment, allowing us to offer our users an uninterrupted experience from a single source.   

It was particularly important for us to work with a trust service provider that provides a secure on-premise solution. This means that all signed documents remain on our servers, which are operated in Germany.” 

About Your Secure Cloud GmbH  

Your Secure Cloud GmbH has been offering highly secure cloud storage space, fully encrypted data management solutions and collaborative online workspaces for companies since 2014. Thanks to its data centers and headquarters in Germany, Your Secure Cloud guarantees an autonomous IT infrastructure without legal backdoors and thus meets the highest security requirements in the digital business environment and data management. Customers such as the German Federal Ministry of Health, several savings banks and credit unions and over 6,000 others rely on the dependable services of Your Secure Cloud.  

All data centers are certified to ISO 27001, TÜV TSI Level 4 and EN 50600, among others. They also meet the requirements of the supervisory authorities, namely Bafin, the ECB, the BSI and the “KRITIS Bund” platform. At the end of 2017, trusted, an independent comparison portal, named Your Secure Cloud GmbH the best cloud storage provider out of 34 providers. 

Benefit from extensive project experience   

Namirial signature experts Daniel Peischl and Habib Bejaoui have extensive experience in the integration of electronic signatures. In recent years, they have supported numerous companies in simplifying their processes and further optimizing already digitized processes. They have knowledge and experience in this area and are your contacts.   

There is a great need for advice on the new possibilities for identifying and generating signatures, their integration and the orchestration of workflows with signatures.   

In order to propose tailor-made solutions, the use cases that are in the foreground for the individual private bank, with their legal, technical and operational framework conditions, are reflected upon. The following questions, among others, can be examined:   

  • Responsibility: who is responsible for the signature solutions and is implementing them in your company?  
  • Selection: What type of signatures are required? (Simple, advanced or qualified signature?) What formal requirements need to be met?  
  • Signature process: How many people need to sign and is there a set sequence?  
  • Integration: How do our signature solutions best fit into your processes so that they offer real added value for you and your customers?  

Book a non-binding consultation appointment now and find out more about your options. 

The information in this article has been compiled to the best of our knowledge and belief and does not constitute legal advice. In particular, it cannot replace individual legal advice that takes into account the specifics of the individual case. We exclude any liability for incomplete, incorrect or outdated information. We are always happy to receive suggestions for clarification, updates and additions via e-mail to