Namirial Recognized by Independent Research Firm Among Notable Vendors in Digital Signature and Trust Solutions

(SENIGALLIA) – February 15, 2024: Namirial, a leading provider of digital signature and trust solutions, announced its recognition in Forrester’s report, The Digital Signature And Trust Solutions Landscape, Q1 20241. The report, authored by Tope Olufon with contributions from Paul McKay, Zaklina Ber, and Demi Starks, provides an overview of 11 vendors in this market.  

Forrester defines market of digital signature and trust solutions: “Products and services that enable the digital transformation of business processes and operations that require a legally binding agreement between parties, whose digital identities have been previously attributed and contextually verified.” 

The landscape report highlights the importance of digital signature and trust solutions in improving employee and customer experience, enabling service efficiency, and enhancing security. Namirial is acknowledged among notable vendors in the report with focus in the professional services, financial services, and IT/tech services industries. Namirial’s deployment models as noted in the report include on-premises, hosted private SaaS, and multitenant SaaS.   

Leaders in security and risk management are encouraged to utilize the report to understand the value they can expect from digital signature and trust solutions vendors, explore differentiation among vendors, and evaluate options based on size and market focus. According to the report, the digital signature and trust solutions market is maturing with a diverse range of vendors and capabilities.  

“We are honored to be recognized by Forrester in their 2024 landscape report,” said Max Pellegrini, CEO at Namirial. “Our commitment to providing secure, efficient, and customer-centric digital signature and trust solutions aligns with the evolving needs of businesses worldwide. We believe this recognition validates our focus on delivering innovative solutions tailored to specific industries or legal requirements which sets us apart in this evolving landscape.” 

Report author, Forrester Senior Analyst Tope Olufon, recently published a blogpost highlighting some trends covered in the report, such as collaboration and standardization, a focus on identification and onboarding innovation plus regulatory influence and global trends. 

The full report “The Digital Signature And Trust Solutions Landscape, Q1 2024”  can be found here (available to Forrester subscribers and for purchase.) 

1 Forrester Report “The Digital Signature And Trust Solutions Landscape, Q1 2024” by Tope Olufon, January 2024 

About Namirial  

Namirial supports customers in their digital transformation journey by providing solutions for trusted digital transaction management. Namirial digital trust services encompass solutions for customer onboarding, agreement automation, signature workflow orchestration, identification, multi-factor authentication, electronic signature, electronic registered delivery, long-term archive and electronic invoice. 

Founded in 2000 in Senigallia, Italy, Namirial Group is operating today in over 85 countries, employing over 900 people. Together with its international network of over 170 strategic partners, the Namirial Group is serving over three million customers worldwide, processing several millions of transactions every day. Namirial Group includes Namirial, Netheos (acquired in 2021), Evicertia, Bit4ID Group, Uanataca, Agenzia Trotta (all acquired in 2022) and Unimatica (acquired in 2023). Namirial, Evicertia and Uanataca are accredited as qualified trust service providers under EU Regulation 910/2014 eIDAS 

To learn more, visit, follow Namirial on LinkedIn or contact Namirial

Media contact 
Jörg Lenz, Head of MarCom Namirial