#Saferinternetday: Network Security that Speaks to Tomorrow’s Professionals

Namirial, a leading company and provider of new generation services and software, has made itself promoter for the #SaferInternetDay, the event organized internationally every year to encourage and educate a safer and more aware use of web activities.

In the specific case of February 5, 2019, the purpose of raising awareness of the day event, which in recent years has become increasingly popular in several countries around the world, concerns the promotion of best practices to be implemented by children and teenagers, that using the web to learn, inform and entertain.

In a world that now runs almost completely across the web, through devices and services with different functions, the risk of being reached by web dangers can always be lurking.

Awareness-raising and promotion from an early age can be of fundamental importance for those who, in the not too distant future, will be professionals focused on the work world.

Even with these assumptions, Namirial identifies himself as responsive to these topics through his Cyber Defence department, which, especially in the corporate environment and not only, is vital for all activities that are not only working on the web.

Thanks to Cyber Assessment services recently created by Namirial, you can monitor the security of your company’s data in accordance with the latest General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

Through the results of the analyses carried out by these specialized services, it is possible to test, verify and evaluate the effectiveness of technical and organizational measures through the identification of cyber threats to which the company is subject (vulnerabilities and cyber incidents).

Check out our packages and choose the one that best suits your needs.

  • Cyber Threat Assessment: service able to detect cyber threats, incidents within the organization and vulnerabilities of systems and services exposed on the public network. All easily summarized in an in-depth analysis report useful for the implementation of data protection activities.
  • Security Diligence: a service that combines the company’s cyber-threat assessment service with a self-assessment survey to provide the company with an insight into the adequacy of the company’s security policies and procedures for information security, network and premises security, employee security training and other security measures used to protect data.

For more information:

Tel. +39 071 63494

Mail info@namirial.com

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